Category: Business Strategy
You Don’t Know AI – The AI Strategy Guide
Obligatory Dalle AI Generated image for “AI” and no, Dalle can’t spell “AI” IntroTL:DRWhat is it?How does it work?What can it do?What can’t it do?Who controls it?How do I leverage it?What is the strategic context?So what? Obligatory AI Disaster Meme Key Takeaways: ChatGPT is a chatbot powered by GPT AI. AI is so much more…
What are the best ways to learn business strategy?
First a quick reading list: These are Basic Books that will cover the topic broadly: Most of these are available as audio books if you prefer. Complete MBA for Dummies – to cover business basics. Doesn’t hurt to memorize. The Strategy Book by Max McKeown – Accessible, simple, covers the Basics. Memorize it. Strategy: A…
What is the difference between a top down and bottom up design appoach?
OK vague question, so there a a few different ways to look at it: Top Down vs Bottom up. Already been tried here: What is the difference between top down and bottom up approaches? From an organizational perspective: Top down is having the leadership develop the plan, and the push it down to those below them on…
What is the difference between business strategy and a business model?
TLDR – The business model is a part of the toolkit used in business strategy. Is a business model the same thing as a business strategy? Yes and no. Business models are how you make money and how the business works. Not just “I’m going to open a coffee shop that sells to such and…
Why is it that governments (or large organizations) rarely do anything intelligent?
This is a strategic exercise in understanding how large groups of people operate. TLDR: You try getting a large group of people to agree on anything while trying to figure out how to pay for it while keeping them all out of trouble. If you can get three strangers to agree on Pizza toppings I’ll…
Why Mars? Elon Musk’s Strategy
Why Mars? What is Elon Musk’s Strategy? Hey guys. I actually went over this a few times with colleagues over the summer, and started writing this right before Elon Musk started his Mars PR campaign in September. Just missed the chance to appear prophetic. As it is this is still a fun topic. So Ted,…
Strategy vs. Tactics (not what you expect)
So, I got some highly unanticipated free time, so here’s a quick run through some important fundamentals. I don’t care what you do, mastery of the fundamentals is the key to being successful, be it sports, work, or strategy. First the obligatory definitions, I could argue these, but for today we’ll go by what’s currently…
TED, FRY, Complexity, Systems and Strategy
First in a series on prediction. I hope. Today is a simple if abstract discussion. The math of strategy. Now the majority of my peers at ASP specifically avoid the quantitative, and most strategists I’ve encountered are MBA’s, historians, or soldiers that are not that keen on math, and don’t have much use for it…
The Strategy Book
Leo over at Zen Habits is suggesting I would be happier if I write more. He’s probably correct. So here’s a story boys and girls… (And usual rules apply, keep Google handy for my obscure references, HTML links go stale too fast) About a year ago, an interesting gentleman named Max McKeown apparently found my inconsistent effort…
And we’re back – with some thoughts on the OODA Spiral
Just short on my lunch break, but had some fascinating side discussions helping out with the strategic planning for ironically the Association of Strategic Planning (ASP). (Warning, on a reread this is heavy wonk on esoteric terminology, and I’ve found hyperlinks outside the blog to reference ideas expire and then do little good, keep google…
Motives, Managing Expectations, Alignment and Friction.
So, been gone for a very long time. Explanation – life is what happens while you are making other plans. Survived the “new normal” economy. New day job, new house, lots of new changes. First a good strategic lesson I just picked up from a really popular blog: The Art of Non-Conformity “…one important fact:…
Strategic Science on the Competitive Intelligence Podcast!
First thing – sorry for the months without posts. The site got hacked while I was out of town, followed immediately by a nice contract that’s using 50 hours a week (paying jobs come first), and did I mention that toddlers benefit from time and attention. I had to create the opportunities to actually plug…
You don’t know Sun Tzu
An outside the box strategic discussion by Ted S Galpin You don’t know Sun Tzu Well, actually maybe you do. But Probably not the same way I do. I’ve been working long days on the strategy book, and Sun Tzu certainly takes some time to internalize. There’s a saying — “there’s nothing new under the sun.” That’s…
The Problem with Competitive Intelligence
An out side the box strategic discussion by Ted S Galpin The Problem with CI When keeping up with the CI practice, a common theme is CI falls on deaf ears and is heavily under utilized. How do you fix that? In a nutshell, if you don’t maintain a close relationship with your CI customers, especially executives,…
Strategy bogged down by reality?
Strategy bogged down by reality? A personal note. Ok seriously, one of my problems is getting “looped” by the everyday grind. Let’s step back a moment. What do I mean by looped? I need to explain John Boyd, his OODA loop, and a little historical context. In brief, John Boyd was an Air Force Colonel, reputably…